
Dr. D M A Kulasooriya

Director General
National Institute of Business Management

As we are planning to celebrate 53 years of developing business leaders and contributing to business management and ICT development of Sri Lanka, we look forward to lead the business education in South Asia with deep insights and creating valuable contribution for the development of networks in the business community. We will continue to spearhead the development of future-ready talent for the global business environment.  


Given my 20 years of experience at NIBM, I am fully convinced that our mission is more relevant to the modern society. Most people around the country either work in or have their lives been enriched by NIBM. Yet, there remains a critical shortage of managerial leadership. As a leading business school, we have never taken for granted our leadership in management and ICT education, but rather have embraced the opportunity to constantly innovate. In fact, we have taken our unique strengths to our hearts and directed them in new ways to bring our mission to life. To make our mission realistic and living, we have redefined the profile of our graduates with the aim of building three (03) critical competencies in them namely; Thinking (innovator), Doing(Implementer) and Finishing (Finisher). 

You also have heard by now of the tough choices and changes that are being made for a break through improvement in all academic functions and quality of services that we offer for our clientele. We assure you that as careful stewards of support of all stakeholders, we are making decisions to ensure the long-term success of NIBM. We are on a path to continue to do great things. But we still have much to accomplish toward fully realizing the potential of the redesigned curriculum, strengthening collaborations throughout business community, and building global partnerships in providing better opportunities for the individuals to grow.

I am grateful that despite these challenging times, you have continued to give back with dedicating your time, expertise, and financial commitment toward our shared vision. NIBM is at the forefront of creating ideas that advance the quality of higher education and to overcome the complexity of the challenges we face as a society. The creation of new dimensions of professionalism in managing the institution, a rewarded and esteemed faculty and staff is essential to develop the next generation of leaders. It is our fervent belief that quality HR of NIBM leads to produce quality HR in the society.

I am privileged to serve the NIBM and I take this opportunity to thank you for the generosity you continue to demonstrate towards building capabilities of NIBM.