Avinga Kodithuwakku

Joining NIBM is without a doubt, one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. It shaped me and guided me to be the confident person that I am in the corporate world today. I joined NIBM in 2012 as a management student of ADBM 12.2 batch but I learned more than just Business Management. It was a learning experience like no other. I learned how to present myself at aninterview, learned to do presentations that stand out and most of all I learned to be a successful human being. I met lifelong friends through both academic and non-academic activities that we conducted and also started a part time career in music with some great people I met through NIBM as well! I can confidently say that the years spent at NIBM were some of the most memorable times in my entire life. I would like to thank the academic and non-academic staff at NIBM for giving me and all their students an opportunity to reach their full potential and I can confidently say that NIBM does really build competencies! You wouldn't regret joining the NIBM family.
Avinga Kodithuwakku
Section Head - Sales and MarketingHaycarb PLCMBA (UK), BSc Mgt (Hons, Dublin), HDBM (NIBM), ADBM (NIBM) -
Tharaka Palihakkara
Assistant Manager - ProcurementLitro Gas Lanka LtdMBA(MGU), BSc(Hons) Management - UCD -
Sachitha Kannangara
Account ManagerHirdaramani IndustriesBSc (Hons) Management - UCD and Msc in Strategic Marketing (Undergraduate) -
Janitha Keerthisinghe
ManagerBranding, Promotion, and Events at Multibond Sri LankaBSc (Hons) Management - UCD, Diploma in Graphic Design & Commercial Art -