
Gaminda Herath

2022-03-16 16:14:38

| graduated from NIBM in year 2015 and looking back at my life during my learning curve at NIBM,I would like to say that those were the best four years in my life. I was fortunate enough to be exposed to the group of industry experts and lecturers who have sharpened my knowledge. The lecturers at NIBM are not only meant to teach us, but also played the role of a friend, a counselor, and a mentor to our lives. I am still in touch with my lecturers and I have lots of respect towards them.Content of my degree programme not only provides theoretical knowledge but it also provides the practical experience in the corporate world. As a result, at the age of 21, I found myself employed while studying for my degree.

  • Avinga Kodithuwakku

    Section Head - Sales and Marketing
    Haycarb PLC
    MBA (UK), BSc Mgt (Hons, Dublin), HDBM (NIBM), ADBM (NIBM)
  • Tharaka Palihakkara

    Assistant Manager - Procurement
    Litro Gas Lanka Ltd
    MBA(MGU), BSc(Hons) Management - UCD
  • Sachitha Kannangara

    Account Manager
    Hirdaramani Industries
    BSc (Hons) Management - UCD and Msc in Strategic Marketing (Undergraduate)
  • Janitha Keerthisinghe

    Branding, Promotion, and Events at Multibond Sri Lanka
    BSc (Hons) Management - UCD, Diploma in Graphic Design & Commercial Art
  • Gaminda Herath

    Assistant Manager
    MAS Intimates
    BSc (Hons) Logistics Management