Tharaka Palihakkara
2022-03-16 16:02:31

I most certainly owe a huge thank to the National Institute of Business Management (NIBM) for the guidance to grow and learn, enhance my abilities, and find a long lasting career progress. I joined NIBM in 2010 and completed my degree in Business Management in 2014,which gave me an opportunity to grow in the corporate world. I learned to act in certain business environments and situations which have helped me to judge situations and make good decisions. The quality of the knowledge and skills I gained by the lectures at NIBM was not just about subject matters, but also about how to win life. I am grateful for thechoice I made to start my higher education at NIBM.
Avinga Kodithuwakku
Section Head - Sales and MarketingHaycarb PLCMBA (UK), BSc Mgt (Hons, Dublin), HDBM (NIBM), ADBM (NIBM) -
Tharaka Palihakkara
Assistant Manager - ProcurementLitro Gas Lanka LtdMBA(MGU), BSc(Hons) Management - UCD -
Sachitha Kannangara
Account ManagerHirdaramani IndustriesBSc (Hons) Management - UCD and Msc in Strategic Marketing (Undergraduate) -
Janitha Keerthisinghe
ManagerBranding, Promotion, and Events at Multibond Sri LankaBSc (Hons) Management - UCD, Diploma in Graphic Design & Commercial Art -